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Jupiter in space agencies' sights

"Nasa and the European Space Agency have decided to forge ahead with an ambitious plan to send a probe to the Jupiter system and its icy moon Europa."

Category: Space


Surveillance: the next generation

"How can you get CCTV cameras to not only record, but to recognise patterns of behaviour - and potentially prevent serious crimes?"

Category: Communications


Fifth of world carbon emissions soaked up by extra forest growth

"Trees in the tropics are getting bigger, which means they are soaking up an extra 5bn tonnes of CO2 a year"

Category: Climate Change


Obama's tar sand trap

"The tar sands of Canada constitute a deadly threat to our planet. The US and Canada must agree not to develop them"


Melt-pools 'accelerating Arctic ice loss'

"Pools of melted ice and snow that form on the surface of the Arctic sea ice explain why it is melting faster than predicted, scientists say"

Category: Climate Change

Displaying results 1436 to 1440 out of 2977